
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Cookie Carnival!

To help get the scouts excited about cookie selling time they put together four different "carnivals" in our area. They filled up quickly - there were almost 450 girls at the one we went too!

Here is the promo info that they out out:

Your group will rotate through 10 Cookie College stations and 10 Cookie Carnival stations.  Girls will earn and receive their Cookie Activity Pin for doing all of the Cookie College stations then will enjoy 10 cookie themed carnival games.  We will also have prize drawings at the end of the night and lots of fun.  We will serve pizza for the whole group at 12 PM. 

Event Schedule
11:45-12:15   Check-in and Pizza
12:15-2:45      Activities
2:45-3:00       Prize Drawings and Closing

Please come with the following items:
·         Your group should attend with proper girl to adult ratios, see Volunteer Essentials for these ratios.
·         A blanket to sit on while eating pizza.  We will be eating picnic style!
·         Sturdy, comfortable shoes to run and play in – no sandals please!
·         We will be doing activities both outside on the grass and inside the building.  Please dress for the weather.

All 9 of my girls were signed up - and all but one made it. The poor kiddo was crying in the back ground when her mother called me - she was simply too sick.

We had excellent ratios for our troop -every Mom stayed!

I brought a few blankets so the girls had somewhere to sit when they ate their pizza - and also brought a few supplemental yummies like veggies and graham crackers.
There were 10 "college" courses where the girls learned everything from
safety to what they can earn from selling cookies.
 Then, there were the big games outside - simple fun things like throwing "darts" or jumping in a ball pit to find pictures of cookies.
Every girl got a passport where they checked off all 20 stations.
Then they got 10 tickets for the Chinese Auction and their Cookie Activity Pin.
Here was the hard part...over 400 girls and only 20 prizes.
We explained to the girls that there weren't enough prizes for everyone
and that we would be delighted if ONE person won from our troop.
They seemed to understand so we ended up OK when none of them won a prize.
They DID have fun though -- just look at their faces-

1 comment:

  1. Hi! My name is Nolana and I am a Girl Scout leader here in Texas. I am in charge of our Cookie Rallies and have been looking for some ideas incorporating a carnival theme. I came across your blog entry and LOVE it! Do you know ya'll have a "booklet" created about what ya'll did? I could really use some help... if you don't mind. My email is should you think it ok to share. From one leader to another Have a WONDERFUL day!!
