
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Field Trip: the Library

Today was a field trip instead of our normal meeting: A quick tour of our local public library and then, they got to sit in on the normal story time.

Two of my Daisies had never been to the library before! I am SOOO glad we went because they now know what an AMAZING resource the FREE public library is! That, and our children's librarian is simply incredible.

I have "fun patches" on order for participating in this event... 6 of my 8 were in attendance.

Reminder slips were sent home for our next meeting - the first week in October, along with cookie selling permission slips - that I have to have back, before they can start selling cookies. I figured, if they have the slips ready for the next meeting (Cookie Kick Off), then the girls can go home with the pre-order sheets! I already have half of the slips back ... here is to hoping that the re3st come back!

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