
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sooo I Am The Leader!

Not sure how it happened, but I became the new leader to my daughter's Daisy Troop!
After I thought about it for a bit, I came up with a plan:
  1. Increase troop size
  2. Add some summer fun
  3. Plan out the year with our new Journey Book (Between Earth and Sky)
We had four girls.
As amazing as those girls are, I thought it would be MORE fun, if we had a few more. Like at least twice as many. I think back to my scouting days and remember our troop of 10-12 gals... it was a BLAST!

Increasing troop size was easy - I put a simple note out to all the kindergartners before school closed for the year. We picked up four more girls, which doubled our troop! We have 7 first graders and 1 kindergartner (who is a sister of a first grader). A SUPER sweet bunch of kids!

Now, for adding some summer fun. Our troop had about $5 in it's account, so things had to be CHEAP. I planned out one thing a month over the summer:
  1. A field trip to the local video store
  2. A pool party
  3. A camp out/sleepover
In June, we took a simple tour at the local video store. They all got FREE rental passes (tied into report card time). After that, we zipped over to Culver's and had FREE custard, as I still had a ton of passes in my gift card box.

In July, we had a pool party at my Mom's house. Everyone brought some treats and they swam like you wouldn't believe. We made it a whole family affair - it was a hoot!

In August, we had a few of the mom's and a few tents in our backyard. Keep in mind that our troop is a giant bunch of school chums - most who have already known each other for a few years between 4K and dance classes. Everyone pitched in with snacks, dinner items, breakfast waffle stuff - we did an outdoor scavenger hunt and even showed a princess movie on the back of the garage! Again, Free to the troop!

I did pick up "fun patches" for each event, out of my own pocket, until we get a  positive balance from cookie sales. I have the receipts tucked in the troop fund booklet and had to see what else I could do, on the cheap, until we were in a better financial shape.

Now... to plan out the year.
I think that deserves an entire post of it's own - don't you?

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